Main Office
Ismail Qemali Street, Object Nr.30
Entrance 7, 3rd Floor, Tirana, Albania
Customer Care
Tel: +355 4 2 264 982

About Us

Payments platform built for everyone

What is EasyPay?

EasyPay is a digital payment platform with several national and international ratings designed to enable individuals to make payments within our extensive service portfolio as well as make money transfers while saving time, money and increasing convenience.


We are here to make payments and
money transfers easy as one click


Through our platform we want to bring the benefits
of electronic money to you and your friends.

Our Journey

EasyPay was born in 2010 as an inevitable need of the country and the Albanian financial system for an inclusive digital payment platform. It was the time when the term "online payment" was almost unknown to the local population. Linda Shomo decides in this period to take the first steps towards the realization of a dream, which today has become one of the most innovative financial institutions of the country and a leading FinTech in Albania.

Management Team

Lindita Shomo

Founder and CEO

Ardit Mero
Executive Vice President
Endri Kote
Drejtor i Operacioneve
Marjo Deda
Sales Director
Jonida Këllezi
Marketing Director
Lisandër Çuedari
Drejtues i IT
Linda Shomo is the founder and CEO of EasyPay. She has a proven executive track record and over 24 years of experience in IT, 18 of which in the financial sector. Prior to EasyPay, Linda held IT management roles in various financial institutions such as the American Bank of Albania, Western Union, First Data International etc. She is one of the few women founders and CEOs in the Balkans’ FinTech sector.
Ardit Mero is Vice Executive Director. For a short period of time, he managed to enrich his career by starting as an IT specialist at EasyPay and succeeding all the way up to his current position. He is also one of the winners of Imagine Cup Microsoft Albania 2013 and has completed his MSc in Informatics Engineering.
Endri Kote është Drejtor i Operacioneve i cili i është bashkuar skuadrës EasyPay. Ai vjen nga një eksperiencë disa vjeçare në sektorin financiar, ku karrierën e tij e filloi në vitin 2010 si analist financiar e më pas në pozicione drejtuese në Autoritetin e Mbikëqyrjes Financiare si dhe ka mbuluar pozicione kyçe në disa Banka ndërkombëtare në Shqipëri. I diplomuar në Universitetin e Bolonjës Bachelor në "Biznes dhe Ekonomi" dhe Master në "Administrim Biznesi", aktualisht po kryen studimet e programit të Integruar “Master i Shkencave në Drejtësi”, rritja e tij ka qenë gjithmonë e bazuar në etikë dhe profesionalizëm ku tani ështe edhe pjesë e stafit tonë manaxhues!
Marjo Deda is the Sales Director at EasyPay. He has been involved in the sales field since the beginning of his career for nearly 10 years. Under his directing, the agent network has grown with a growth rate: 3x, and EasyPay services have largely increased.
Jonida (Këllezi) Cako is the Marketing Director. She is an experienced professional on managing level, with a demonstrated history of working in the academic world, marketing and communication agencies, and startups. Jonida has a strong background in Communication Studies, Marketing, Advertising and PR.
Lisandër Cuedari është drejtues i departamentit IT në EasyPay.


Government of Albania
Best ICT Company
CT Media
Linda Shomo
Female of the Year in ICT
World Confederation of Businesses
“The Bizz 2017” as a World Business Leader
Albanian Excellence
Albanian Excellence 2017
European FinTech Awards
Top 3 companies in Europe for Financial Inclusion
Innovate Finance
Linda Shomo selected in “Women in FinTech Powerlist 2017”
Global Banking and Finance Review
Best Digital Payment Platform Albania 2018
Global Business Insight Awards
Recognized Leaders in Online Payments Solutions - Albania
Insight Success
The 10 Most Trusted Remittance Service Providers 2018
Ria Money Transfer
Best Partner of Ria in Albania
Global Banking and Finance Review
Best Payment Solution Provider Albania 2020
Power Up Certificate of Excellence
Growth Program for SMEs and startups in the Western Balkans.
Global Banking and Finance Review
Best Payment Solution Provider Albania 2022
Global Banking & Finance Awards
Global Banking and Finance Review
Best Payment Solution Provider Albania 2023

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