Zyrat Qendrore
Rruga "Ismail Qemali", Objekti Nr.30
Hyrja 7, Kati 3, Tiranë, Shqipëri
Kujdesi ndaj Klientit
Tel: +355 4 2 264 982


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Kala Festival returns for the second year in the Albanian Riviera

Launch of the cooperation

Kala Festival returns for the second year in the sunny Albanian Riviera. Join us with the first foreign-run festival in Albania. Tickets for Albanian and Kosovo citizens are offered exclusively by EasyPay.

Early Bird tickets for the region are in limited number! Do not miss the opportunity to be part of this experience.

You can book the tickets online at bit.ly/kalafestival, where you can find also the ticket price information.

There are three payment methods:

o At any EasyPay point of sale all over Albania, where our agent performs the booking and ticket purchase procedure. Find the nearest agent at bit.ly/agjenteasypay;

o Pay directly through EasyPay button – You must have an EasyPay account or you can create one;

o Pay through Visa/MasterCard.

Kala Festival is selected by The Guardian as one of the 10 best European festivals! For further information about the festival visit  Kala Festival.



12 Mars, 2019