Join the most famous “3 Musketeers” in Albania on the 8th of October at the Amphitheatre of Tirana. Elton Deda, Aleksander Gjoka, Redon Makashi and friends, including Kristos Dantis as Special Guest, will perform along the Symphonic Orchestra of RTSH to fill your souls and promising you a magical night.
The artists will sing the hits that have left a mark on their journey, bringing them to the art lovers for about two hours of live performance.
”Rock nën kurorën e ullirit” will be an explosive night at the Lake Amphitheater. 3 Musketeers and other fellow artists, including special guest Christos Dantis, will perform live on a sultry night out.
For a unique experience ”Rock nën kurorën e ullirit”, get your ticket through these options:
- Pay directly through EasyPay button – You must have or create an active account at EasyPay;
- Pay via Visa/Mastercard – If you are a Visa/Mastercard cardholder, you can pay through your card;
- Through EasyPay agents network. Find your nearest agent here:
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