Zyrat Qendrore
Rruga "Ismail Qemali", Objekti Nr.30
Hyrja 7, Kati 3, Tiranë, Shqipëri
Kujdesi ndaj Klientit
Tel: +355 4 2 264 982


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Startup Weekend

EasyPay was a sponsor at the national event, StartUp Weekend.
The world of ideas in IT, Management and Marketing for three days had the biggest meeting in Tirana. EasyPay as the most innovation company in Albania in the payment method, supported this event, which was organized by AITA. EasyPay pronounced the prices for talent teams and individuals that participated in this event. Startup Weekend is a 54 hours event, that was held for one weekend and serves as the meeting platform between programmers, designers, marketers, product managers, accountants, potential investors and technology enthusiasts in general who gather to share ideas, to form teams and also launching new products and companies.

22 Prill, 2012