Lastly, Albas Publishing House has joined the large family of EasyPay partners. Now anyone who is willing to buy a book online, can do it by clicking on and can make the payment through EasyPay. Albas Publishing House was created in 2000 and since the beginning it has had as a priority the edition of school textbooks, but not only. With headquarters in Tirana, Tetovo, Pristina and Presevo, Albas not only brings Albanian literature closer to the students and readers of all ages in different geographic areas, but it also compiles textbooks according to the special requirements of educational systems in these countries.
For all the readers, Albas brings the Albas Library (, which enables all the students and booklovers to buy Albas online editions in the adjusted version, either physical or digital. Following the successful digital school textbooks experience, now Albas brings to you the digital version of all editions.
EasyPay payment is made in real time and the advantage of the payment is the security offered and the inclusion of both audiences who have or do not have access to banking services. The payment process is very simple and fast, it is enough for a customer to sign in to EasyPay, to place the relevant credentials, and to confirm the payment with one click. For the audience who does not have access to banking services but wants to make an online book purchase, you can credit the EasyPay account (or sign up if you are not a customer yet) with cash at one of the 300 EasyPay agents throughout Albania.
Now the books you want to buy are just a click away, powered by EasyPay and Albas!