You can now pay for the Municipality of Tirana taxes in over 100 EasyPay agents all over Tirana. This is the most recent collaboration between EasyPay and DPTTV (Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Taksave dhe Tarifave Vendore), under the Mayor of Tirana.
The most innovative aspect of this new service is that this is the first time in Albania when you can pay for your taxes in real time at a financial non-banking institution, avoiding the bureaucratic process of waiting for the confirmation of your payment for almost a month. Moreover, you can pay for all your other dues in one go, without having to pay them separately.
In addition to maximum security and practicality of use, you can search for a subject using a local code, TIN, the name of the subject or the name of the administrator.
Soon you will be able to pay for these taxes through our mobile app or our web platform too.